I am Vishwa Shah, 17, currently in Grade 12th of the Gujarat State Education Board, India. I thrive on music, movies and books and always forget how easily time passes in a bookstore. My day is not complete till I have read something, irrespective of author, genre or platform.
I’m an informed and incisive political debater, a state basketball player, and a Visharad level singer. My affinity for math, science, and logic does not keep me from being creative. While I like to explore alternative solutions to problems, I am pragmatic enough to keep an open mind about what will work best.
I live for details and don’t need anybody to fire me up. Besides this, I love being around my friends and they tell me that I am a good listener. My mantra is--don’t compare or compete, aim to improve.
I want to pursue Chemical Engineering since I feel that it holds the answers to all my questions. In any case I prefer spending time in the laboratory with a pipette in my hand, rather than hunched over a computer.
I would love to experience zero gravity and watch the Northern Lights. I enjoy reading about Elon Musk, listening to TED Talks and prefer eating cheese nachos over everything. Above all, I dream about changing the world, one smile at a time.